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The Third Door by Alex Banyan

 The Third Door by Alex Banyan 

   I gotta say first I liked the way this book started but soon it changes from it's main idea. It went completely astray. The starting idea of the book was how to overcome  procrastination  and work our dream; and also how to find out what truly we want. The starting journey really inspiring but soon turned in to  a creepy stalking story. Where the writer the creepy stalker. Leaving everything to just talk to famous and successful people. But I just don't get there is nothing unknown about those people to public. There have been written hundreds of books about them and there are millions of video on youtube.  One by going through them can find out everything about those entrepreneurs. 

    His main list was really great but he only ended up interviewing only Bill Gates from that list. Which was by the way a worst interview of it's kind. Instead of asking how Bill Gates overcome all those challenges of teenage; he asked about his marketing strategies. Who are you dude? my business partner!!! He was asking these obnoxious questions like he was also an entrepreneur, try to sale him his product. 

    No one from his main list of successful people gave a crap about  him except Bill Gates. Instead his interviewed some other very less popular people. I can't believe he took a complete year off because of all these stupid and fruitless interviews. Non of those people whom he interviewed had said anything at all. It was just a repetition of what we all including knew about those people. 
    I must say I was surprised by seeing that this book had a very high rating. I just could not uderstand what the hell did learn from all those interviews. He wasted three years of his life and result was what?! A stupid book filled with repeated and already know facts and ideas. I don't about others things he might have learned but I think in those three years he became the world's best creepy stalker. What he did with his life after all these obsolete interviews is also vague. But when I searched him on youtube a video of him popped out. Apparently he became kind of motivational speaker as if we did not already have enough of those  freaks. By seeing his youtube video I realized the guy whom he described himself to be in the book and the guy in real life are completely different. 

    Well! This was another three days of my life which I am never going to get back. 



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