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     This is my sixth Novel from Durjoy Datta, I started reading it almost two weeks ago. Then I started my next book "The forty rules of love" by Elif Shafak, I thought it would be more fun if I study both of simultaneously like a couple of pages from one and a couple of topics from other. But before I know it I finished  it completely. It was such an incredible story that I almost forgot the passing of time. I am not sure I had read even 5 pages of this when I was reading the earlier one. 

       So far I am in page 114/250. It is very shallow in compare to "The Forty Rules of Love". I hate the way these Indian novelist write English, Specially names and using entirely Hindi words in some places. It is super annoying. It did not bother me much in the past when I read a dozens of their Novels but now I guess it does. The best thing for me to do would be to stop reading entirely Novels written by Indian authors.   
      Now that I finished the previous book, I should start reading and finishing this too. The story so far is not a very good one. it is about a new crowd funding start up, in which they campaign to raise money for needy people. It does not have just one purpose. they compaign to raise money for lots of good deeds, from operation of a poor sick person to fund the music album of a young and fresh singer.  then it between there are different departments people are working separately. A little love story a little  sad shallow sad moments. so far the story is running on two parties, one a happy couple who the company is trying to make a video about their love mainly to campaign for more money and the other is a creepy weird dude who abused almost everyone on twitter and now when he got sick, his parents do not have money for his operation and the crowd funding is not being able to raise enough money to support his operation because no one is paying a penny for him because no one likes him. no one can blame people for doing so he was a creepy hated people who destroyed even life and reputation of some people in some cases. Now a girl from the company is consistently visiting his house to collect some good stuff to write his story in a different manner, so people feel sympathy and donate money for his operation. the Guy's mother is showing her his entire photos from childhood til date, and she is getting to know what to happened to him to change from a good person in to an ass. I think it might be about love or something let's get started to know the rest of the story..........  

7/05/2020 10:47 PM 

So after almost two months I got back to this book with the intention of finishing it. Although I am reading this book alone in case I get bored. I am reading this with another two, which are pretty good. Last time I could not finish it, because I got exhausted. For me it seemed a very long  tedious monologue  with a short and pathetic message in it. This morning I started it and I read 70 pages and almost another 70 has remained. It is too soon to judge the story but so far it was a little bit disappointing, I might have missed something somewhere in paragraphs. when I finished it which probably gonna be very soon because I am very determined to finish it; I will mention my views here. 
 Not let's read....

I could not finished it again. it's really an irritating book. I am done with Indian authors from now I will never ever read another book from an Indian author. 

all the best and don't read this book please! 


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