Family Wisdom by Robin Sharma
Robin sharma and his crappy monk stories. I don't know how long he will keep bragging this stupid imaginary monk in his books. So this book is again like the previous one(the monk who sold his Ferrari) about the imaginary character Julian Mantle or his monk buddy who used to be a very rich and successful lawyer but after he losses his daughter in a car accident, he gets so discouraged from his luxurious life and sales all of his properties including his red Ferrari (what he does with all that money remains a complete mystery in all of his book about this monk). And moves to North India to find enlightenment. In there he finds out about a group of stupid monks who live in Himalya mountains. They are called Sages of Sivana. Somehow he finds them and request them to teach him their way of living, they accept to do so and he apparently transforms to a different person. The monks before teaching him anything take a promise that at the end of his lessons he has to go back to west (USA) and share this wisdom with people.
In The monk who sold his Ferrari he comes back to USA and meets with one his corporate friends and teach him all those nonsense which he calls wisdom, everyone knows those stuff. But in this book he comes back to his sister who just survived a plane crush which killed two of his business partners; whom he has not met in years; and teach her about family wisdom. Not that he has a family of his own but he is ready to teach people with family about family.
It is so shallow and cheesy. Writer does not realize that how one can teach someone about family when he could not save his family or has a family at all. Those fucking sages teach him about apparently everything in the world. Not that they have families either. Some of the conversation which Julian has with those sages are so annoying and disgusting. They tell him that everyone in west has forgotten how to live and Julian has an obligation to teach them. Writer does not realize that where these fucking monks live is the real disaster. I mean India; they do not want to teach any Indian about how live their lives a better and peaceful way. India has more problems that any country in the world. These people whom I met were not so cool or peace loving. They seem like wild and freed animals who want to do anything they desire no matter how catastrophic the consequences of their action might be. They want to hunt down anyone who does not believe in their Gods which is apparently more than a million. It disgust me that those fucking monks pretend that everyone in East(Specially India) lives in harmony. If you want to teach people something you gotta start from your own family. Everyone is fucked up in your family and you want to teach your far way neighbor about life. Believe me when I say this, that everyone and I mean everyone in India dream about living a modern life in USA. Their biggest dream is to get America's VISA.
Non of those Monks who live in mountains entire their lives have families as far as I know. They have had no role in today's civilization. But they can for sure teach how to live in such a modern civilization. They do nothing they just sit and pray for hours Gods knows about what. I just can no fathom how writer thinks that someone who has not lived among modern people or has not done anything for the good of humanity can teach modern people how to live. These stupid monks never invented anything. The whole book is on a false assumption. And he just keep bragging about that stupid monk.
I only read this book because of below quotes and also cause I had nothing else to read....
# "We are generally afraid to become that which we can glimpse in our most perfect moments." 'Abraham Maslow'
# "We live for ourselves only when we live for others."
# "The saddest part of life lies not in the act of dying, but in failing to truly live while we are alive."
# "The only devils in the world are those running in our own hearts. That is where the battle should be fought." 'Mahatma Gandhi'
# "Stop trying to get more in life and try to be more for life. That's where lasting happiness lies."
# "Most of us miss out on life's big prizes. The Pulitzer, The Nobel, Oscars, Tonys, Emmys. But we are all eligible for life's small pleasures. A pat on the back. A kiss behind the ear. A four pound bass. A full moon, An empty parking space. A cracking fire, A great meal, A glorious sunset. Hot soup. Cold beer. Don't fret about getting life's grand awards. Enjoy it's tiny delights. There are plenty for all of us."
# "I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again."
# "There are little eyes upon you and they are watching night and day. There are little ears that quickly take in every word you say. There are little hands all eager to do anything you do; And a little child who's dreaming of the day he'll be like you. You're the little fellow's idol; You're the wisest of the wise. In his little mind about you no suspicious ever rise. He believes in you devoutly, holds all that you say and do; He will say and do in your way when he's grown up just as you. There is a wide_eyed little fellow who believes you are always right; And his eyes are always opened, and he watches day and night. You are setting an example, every day in all you do, for the little child who's waiting, to grow up to be like you." ' Anonymous'
# "There are little eyes upon you and they are watching night and day. There are little ears that quickly take iin every word say. There are little hands all eager to do anything you do; And a little child who's dreaming of the day he'll be like you."
# "Money is nothing more that payment from the universe for value added and services rendered. The more value you can add, the more money you will make."
# "Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing leave behind us
Foorprints on the sands of time." 'Henry Wadsworth Longfellow'
# "Life is nothing more than a series of windows of opportunity strung together to form a whole."
# "If I had to live my life over again, I would relax more I'd be sillier that I have been on the trip. I would climb more mountains, swim more rivers and watch more sunsets. I would have more actual troubles and less imaginary ones. Oh I've had my moments, and if I had to do it over again, I'd have more of them. In fact, I'd try to have nothing else, just moments, one after another. And I'd pick more daisies." 'Nadine Stair, age 89'
# "Stop living your life by default and start living your life by design."
# "At the end of your life you will find that the things you thought were the big things were actually the little things, and that all those things you thought were the little, unimportant things were actually the big, important ones."
# "To believe in the heroic makes heroes." 'Benjamin Disraeli'
# "Often it is when we are at the top of our game that our greatest suffering beings."
# "The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge while the ordinary man takes everything as either a blessing or a curse." 'Carlos Castaneda'
# "The happiness or unhappiness of a man does not depend upon the amount of property or gold he wins. Happiness or misery is in one's soul. A wise man feels at home in every country. The whole universe is the home of a noble soul." ' Democritus '
# "You who would accomplish little must sacrifice little; you who would achieve much must sacrifice much; you who would attain highly must sacrifice greatly." ' James Allen '
# "We all have a high human duty to live our lives out loud. We all have a deep human obligation to live our best lives and show up at the top of our game every single day."
# "Our wounds ultimately give us wisdom. Our stumbling blocks inevitably become our stepping stones. And our setbacks lead us to our strengths.
# "Adversity is the diamond dust that heaven polishes its jewels with." 'Leighton'
# "Happiness does not arrive when you have certain things. It comes when you think certain thoughts. Happiness is nothing more than a state of mind that you create by the way that you process and inerpret the events of your life."
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