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Why had I gone to Pakistan?

      After almost three months of starting of my Engineering course in kabul university, i got a weird kind of headache, at first i thought it would be a simple kind of headache that no need to worry about, but by passing of time it became really frequent like everyday and after that every hour. Vision of my eyes got decreased and I had shown my self to many doctors including head and eyes doctors, because of my eyes i got an eye glass from doctor he thought problem was from eyes and it might be possible that the headache is also related to this. well! i used to wear that eye glasses for a while until i went to pakistan.       In the other hand i had discussed my headache with a lot of relevant specialists and used to had medicines for a long time which by the way non of them had worked, during those i got this weird habit; whenever my headache started i used to eat something like cake or juice etc which magically used to remove my headache, that was the reason why i h

First blog

My first blog.....!  As a guy grew up in a non English speaking country, far away from all English deals and stuff had hoped that after leaving  native country and going to  a foreign one where they teach in English would probably be fluent in speaking this precious language.  My first step was to go to turkey for my bachelor from where I could easily could be accepted in UK's Universities for my master's.  During high school I gave my hundred percent and did all i could do to prepare myself for National Exam of my homeland after 12, well I had done in that pretty well and I had scored really well 342.766 out of 360 got the first position in my province. still i remember that morning when my best friend samim called me from my hometown to tell me about result, i was living with my sister in her house in kabul after Exam for a change, so he told me that we both had been accepted to our favorite university, Kabul university the best in the country in civil Engineering fa